Start a spiritual beauty regimen by reading and studying scriptures from the Holy Bible. Establish a relationship with God and get direction on how to move through your life whether you at work a club, office or volunteer. Keep up with monies earned, dreams, aspirations, goals and more with this unique journal written for women. Choose your cover. Please specify red cover or Scriptures For Strippers logo cover (pictured below).
Have you left the game? Do you need support in staying committed to that decision? Get your copy of Scriptures for Ex-Strippers for inspiration, encouragement, spiritual and practical strategies to secure and maintain a successful transition from the lifestyle.
The Process of the Promise Coloring Journal
God loves us unconditionally but His blessings are conditional!! The rainbow represents the promises of God and each color tells us what we need to develop to qualify for the next level of blessings. A coloring book, journal and work book for those who are in the process of working towards what God has for them.